Eat to Beat PMS

It is thought that 80% of women suffer from premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in some form. Fatigue, mood swings, anxiety, breast pain, weight gain, cravings … there are over 150 recognised symptoms of PMS and for 30 – 40% of women, symptoms can be so debilitating that they interfere with normal daily function.

Whilst it is complex and has a range of possible contributing factors, PMS is not something that we just have to put up with. It is completely possible to feel calm, balanced and symptom-free throughout your cycle.

  • Cut back on caffeine

If you feel more stressed or anxious in the days before your period, then try switching your normal cup of coffee to decaf, substituting with herbal teas, or opting for green tea instead. Caffeine increases the fight-or-flight response and can less us feeling jittery or anxious. Some women find that they are more sensitive to caffeine the run up to their period, so try cutting back from mid-cycle and see if it makes a difference for you.

  • Avoid alcohol

Your liver is working hard to help metabolise hormones and effectively detoxify oestrogen, so cutting back on alcohol can help make this process more effective and efficient. Alcohol also rocks blood sugar balance, and can make symptoms like cravings, mood swings fatigue and anxiety worse.

  • Shun the sugar

When are hormones are out of sync, the sugar cravings can hit. Plenty of us crave chocolate pre-menstrually, but try switching to a higher cocoa content chocolate so you get all the benefits, without the sugar hit. Look out for cacao powder to make a healthy hot chocolate - add a little cinnamon for sweetness and blood sugar balance. Cacao is a nice source of magnesium - a nutrient that has been shown to have lots of benefits for women’s health. Research shows that women with a high sugar diet tend to have more severe symptoms of PMS, so quit for a bit and see how you feel. A supplement containing chromium can help to take the edge off cravings. I like Viridian’s Cinnamon and Chromium complex.

  • Eat your greens

Dark green leafy veggies are packed with magnesium - a key nutrient that has been shown to help support with symptoms of PMS. Rocket, watercress, broccoli, cabbage - if it is green, it is in! Aim for a couple of portions a day - maybe a rocket salad or broccoli soup at lunchtime, and then pack the greens into your curry, chilli or bolognese at teatime.

  • Phytoestrogens

Plant based hormone balancers called phytoestrogens are well researched to help support female hormone balance and may help to mange PMS symptoms, Chickpeas and flaxseeds are a good place to start. Try adding chickpeas to curry, snacking on houmous or adding a spoonful of flaxseed to your breakfast each day. Check that you are getting a milled form of flaxseed like Linwoods. If you  buy the whole flax, then pop it into a coffee grinder to break the seed and make sure you get the benefits of the phytoestrogens., Otherwise it goes out the way it went in….

  • Try a supplement

With so many different remedies and supplements on the market, it can be tricky to know where to start, but one of the most well-researched and safest supplements that I use in my clinical practice with clients is a combination of magnesium with B6. Studies show that this can be an effective support for women with PMS with symptoms including fluid retention (e.g. weight gain and breast tenderness) and anxiety. I would recommended supplementing around 200mg magnesium citrate with 50mg B6.


Big up the brassicas!


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